Layla Fruit Juice

Layla Float Fruit Juice: make Better beverage Choices

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We live in a world which runs faster than light.

Everyone is busy in their respective fields and often ignores health care. Starting from carbonated drinks to nutrient juices and shakes, people have a wide variety of drinks to have.

Now, the most important thing is to select the perfect healthy juice in your diet. Instead of those filled with soda and artificial flavours, try some natural juices like Mango, Pineapple, Orange or Peach.

These are good in taste and are filled with nutrients required for maintaining overall well-being.

Doubt your drink?

Go through this blog, to know the health benefits of Mango, Pineapple, Orange and Peace juices.


This blog throws light on the need and benefits of incorporating these healthy natural juices into your daily diet. 


risk associated with sugary drinks

Sugary Drinks


Most of the people nowadays have made the Sugary drinks a staple item in their diet. But, these drinks are quite harmful to the health. 

Consuming the drinks regularly may cause serious diseases.  These beverages like sodas, and energy drinks have high added sugars, responsible for diseases like type 2 diabetes, weight gain, heart disease and tooth decay.  

These packed drinks contain empty calories,  which provide you with energy without essential nutrients.  It is extremely harmful to the body. Your body might feel unsatisfied and you may tend to overeat daily. 

Health fact-

The artificial colours and flavours added to these energy drinks contain harmful chemicals which may cause the deadly cancer disease.

Benefits of Fresh fruit juice

Layla Float Juices for Recipes


● Fresh juice contains essential nutrients required for a healthy body. It is a good source of vitamins and minerals.  

● Adding these juices to your diet is an effect to improve the choices of your beverages. 

● Unlike sugary drinks, fresh fruit juice is filled with nutrients required for the body. 

● It provides anti-inflammatory properties to the body. Along with that vitamin C acts as a source of immunity booster. 

● If you want to have mango juice, it is also rich in essential nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin C and Potassium.  These help the body to provide energy and promote a healthy body. 

Fresh fruit juice keeps your body hydrated. People nowadays struggle to keep their bodies hydrated and fresh. By drinking these fruit juices, can keep yourself hydrated and fresh. The natural sugar added in these fresh juices is balanced well with the high-water content. So, these juices are a way better choice than tea-sugary carbonated drinks, commonly known as energy drinks. 


The caffeinated beverages might lead to energy crashes sometimes.  Your body needs a steady release of energy provided by the fresh fruit juices. The natural sugars present in the juice slowly get absorbed.  This helps in preventing spikes and crashes in the blood sugar levels. 

If you want to try some good fresh fruit juice, go for mango and pineapple juice from Layla Float Mango and Pineapple juice. We also offer other varieties of fresh details.

Pineapple Juice

pineapple juice

Pineapple being a tropical fruit is one of the most loved fresh fruit juice . It is supper yummy as well as is filled with numerous health benefits.

Some of the key benefits of pineapple juice are mentioned below.


● The fresh pineapple juice contains enzymes which help in the body to reduce inflammation and swelling.  It contains certain properties which promotes digestion and reduces the frequent indigestion issues faced by some people. By adding pineapple juice to your day-to-day routine the risk of harmful diseases like arthritis and sinusitis may also decrease.  

● Pineapple juice is filled with vitamin C, responsible primarily to boost the immunity power of the body.  It acts as an immunity booster and thus helps in protecting the body from frequent common cold . It also keeps the body safe from several infections. One glass of pineapple juice daily is enough for a healthy body. 

● Pineapple contains certain fibers which helps in preventing issues like constipation and indigestion. 

● The enzymes present in pineapple helps in nutrients absorption process.

● Pineapple is extremely good for women’s health.

Mango Juice

mango juice layla float


Mango is the tastiest season fruit available.  Mango Juice is both a tasty and a healthy option available for you. It is loaded with nutrients required for the body maintenance.  



● Fresh Mango juice contains the antioxidants which helps in keeping the body active and fresh. It boosts the energy level.  Risk of getting smany chronic diseases is reduced by adding mango juice to your diet. 

● Mango juice is believed to decrease the risk of early aging and promotes healthy aging.  

● This juice contains vitamin A which helps in maintaining a good eye health. It is also good for preventing cataracts.  

● The vitamin C present in the juice helps in maintaining skin elasticity.  Prevents the risk of wrinkles and promotes even toned skin. 

As mango is a season fruit in many parts, so you must take the maximum benefits from it.

Make the change


Make a shift from sugary drinks to healthy fruit juices.  Take care of some tips while purchasing the beverages.  


● Read labels- While buying fresh fruit juice, you must go through the labels and the tag of 100% juice with no added sugar and preservatives.  

● Avoid, buying the juice named as fruit drinks or fruit cocktails, they contain a high amount of sugar and artificial flavours.  

● DIY Juices- Try making your fresh fruit juice, they are filled with nutrients without any additives. Buy a good-quality juicer with different fruit combinations.

● Fruit juice must be taken in a moderate amount. Don’t consume them more as they contain high natural sugars. Balance the juice with other nutritious foods. 

● You can try a mix of fruit juice adding mangoes, and pineapples to get a better taste and make a nutritious blend.




Adding fresh fruit juice instead of sugary drinks to your diet would bring you a lots of health benefits. Go through the tips mentioned while trying fruit juice. You may choose amazing fresh juice options like pineapple juice and mango juice. They ate filled with nutrients required for overall well-being. Prioritize the healthy fruit juice in your daily routine.  

So, grab a glass of mango or pineapple juice this summer.

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