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Layla Juice to Boost Your Immune System and Health

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We all live in a fast-paced world where we mostly ignore our immune health. It is extremely important to maintain a strong immune system to stay healthy for a longer period. You can try out the Layla Float Juice to get a delicious as well as nutrient-rich drink for the body. The essential nutrients present in the juice help boost the immune system and support overall well-being. Let’s explore the benefits of Layla Float Juices and how they help boost the immune power of the body.

Let’s find out in this blog why Layla Juice is so great to add to your healthy lifestyle.


Layla  Juice is a special kind of fruit juice. It comes in four yummy flavours: Orange, Peach, Mango, and Pineapple. But here’s the cool part – each juice has real pieces of fruit floating in it! That’s why it’s called “Float” juice. It’s like drinking juice and eating fruit at the same time! Sits right with the moto- Chew as You Gulp!

Understanding the Immune System

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Before exploring the benefits of Layla juice, it is important to know about the functioning of the immune system. Your immune system is your natural defence against various harmful pathogens like bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms. It is a very complex network of cells, tissues and organs which work as a team to identify and eradicate the threats to human health.

A proper functioning immune system is required for the following reasons-

● Fighting against the infections
● Healing the wounds
● Preventing the development of certain diseases by killing the disease-causing pathogens.

Essential Nutrients for Immune Health

Salad dressings with Layla Juice

Most of the nutrients play an important role in supporting the immune health of the body. Layla juice provides you with juices made with nutrient-rich ingredients which support boosting your immunity power.


● Vitamin C present in the Layla juice is an antioxidant which helps in increasing the productivity and effectiveness of white blood cells.
● Vitamin E is another antioxidant which helps in the protection of cells from damage.
● Vitamin A is great for your skin’s health and mucous membranes, which are found in the juice.
● Zink is crucial for the development and proper functioning of immune cells.
● The selenium helps in reducing inflammation and enhances the immune response.
● Flavonoids are plant compounds which contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties required by the body.

Now, let’s explore the signature juices of Layla Juice and how they contribute to strengthening the immune system.

Layla Float Orange juice

Layla Float Orange Fruit Juice, Layla Juice

Layla Float Orange Juice is a blend of vitamin C which is an essential nutrient for immune health. The juice is packed with oranges, a hint of lemon and grapefruits and is a hefty dose for boosting immunity. The high content of vitamin C helps in stimulating the production of White Blood Cells. It enhances the body’s ability to fight against the infections.

Layla Float Pineapple juice

Layla pineapple float fruit juice

Layla Float Pineapple Juice contains bromelain, which has high anti-inflammatory properties and helps the body reduce inflammation throughout the body. The enzymes found in pineapple juice help in breaking down the proteins and ease the process of digestion. Pineapple juice contains a combination of vitamin C, fibres and potassium, which takes care of your cardiovascular health. Layla Float Pineapple juice Supports Bone Health and promotes weight management.

Layla Float Mango Juice

Our Tropical Shield includes tropical fruits like Mangoes, which contain vitamin A and Vitamin C, which are essential for boosting immunity. Layla Float Mango Juice contains Beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin C and is beneficial for eye health. Potassium found in the juice is beneficial for the heart and muscle health.
The fibres help in easy digestion and overall well-being.

Lifestyle Factors for Immune Health

While nutrition plays a crucial role in immune function, it’s important to remember that other lifestyle factors also impact your immune system. To get the most out of your Layla Juice regimen, consider:

Nutrition plays a major role in immune function. It is extremely important to maintain a healthy lifestyle to boost your immune system. To get the most out of Layla Float Juice you must consider-

● Having regular exercise. Try some moderate exercises daily to boost your immune function.
● Give your body adequate sleep. Aim to sleep for at least 7 to 9 hours each night to keep your body fit and fine.
● Focus on relieving your body from stress. Many chronic stress can suppress the proper functioning of the immune system. Find healthy ways to relax.
● Limit the intake of alcohol by minimising daily drinking. Replace it with delicious flavours of Layla Float Juice. You can make mocktails from Layla fruit juice base and enjoy. Avoid smoking as it weakens your immune system


Consistently consuming a diet rich in fruit, juices, and vegetables will support your immune system. This will have a long-term effect in improving the immune power of your body. The Layla Float Juice helps in reducing the risk of chronic diseases, supports healthy ageing and promotes overall well-being.

Go grab a glass of Layla juice!

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