Layla float juice Will Win You Over!

Mr. Prem Jaiswal, a Mumbai-based visionary and business tycoon has been known for his success in the Event industry with Centibell. Later he set his sights on the FMCG sector. After ample research, he launched One Energy Drink in 2022. One Drink brought a beloved European beverage brand to India and reached remarkable growth quickly as well.

To strengthen this success, Mr Prem Jaiswal found an opportunity in the stagnant fruit juice market of India. He set One Drink’s research and development team to embark on a two-year journey to find the perfect formula using the highest quality fruits. This search led them to Jordan and there Layla was born.

What sets Layla apart?

International Quality: Layla’s fruit juices are expertly produced in Jordan from handpicked, top-quality fruits, which adhere to international standards of fruits.

Real Fruit Pieces: Every can of Layla juice is packed with real fruit pieces. We have a unique vision of giving the “chew as you gulp” experience which is pure bliss.

Pure Fruit Goodness: Layla is committed to offering the goodness of purest and top-quality fruit juices, without any extra added sugars, to give the real taste of nature.

Our Motto: Chew as You Gulp!

Layla wants to innovate the fruit juice experience into an act of an experience of the tropics. You will feel the tropical goodness in every sip, with an added texture of real fruit pieces. It’s not just juice, it’s an experience.

Try Layla. Feel the Difference. Become the Revolution.