Layla Float Juice, Layla Juice

The Role of Natural Sugars in Layla Juices: Sweetness Without the Guilt

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We live in a world where sugar has become one of the major causes behind many health issues. Sugar has indeed become a topic of intense scrutiny. Many of you must be trying, to reduce the intake of sugar to improve your overall health condition. Major health issues like diabetes, fatty liver, and heart issues are occurring because of excessive intake of sugar. However, you must understand that all sugars are not alike. Some sugars are naturally occurring and don’t cause any harm to your health, but the added sugar in artificial drinks and food items is not advisable for your body.
This is where Layla Juices steps in, offering a delicious range of beverages that harness the power of natural sugars to provide sweetness without guilt.

Let’s find out in this blog why Layla Juice is so great with no extra added sugars.


Layla  Juice is a special kind of fruit juice. It comes in four yummy flavours: Orange, Peach, Mango, and Pineapple. But here’s the cool part – each juice has real pieces of fruit floating in it! That’s why it’s called “Float” juice. It’s like drinking juice and eating fruit at the same time! Sits right with the moto- Chew as You Gulp!

What are Natural Sugars?

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The sugars occurring naturally in fruits, vegetables and dairy products are termed to be natural sugars. These sugars contain some essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, fibres and antioxidants, But the added sugar is just a pack containing empty calories without any nutrients. These added sugars are harmful to the body. On the other hand, the natural sugars are part of a complete nutritional package.

Fruits are the major source of natural sugars. They contain natural sugars like fructose. In fruits, the primary natural sugars are fructose, glucose, and sucrose. These sugars give fruits their sweet taste while also providing the body with readily available energy. When you consume a piece of fruit or drink a natural fruit juice like those offered by Layla Juices, you’re not just getting sugar – you’re getting a complex array of nutrients that work together to support your health.

The Layla Juices Difference

Layla Peach Float Fruit Juice, Layla Juice

Layla Juices is known to use whole fruits and vegetables in its products. The sugars present in Layla juice are completely natural and come from the source. There are no added sugars, artificial sweeteners or any kind of concentrates are not used in the production process. You will get a pure and natural sweetness of the fruits in every sip of Layla Float Juice.

This approach offers several benefits:
● Balanced Sweetness – Natural sugar found in Layla Float Juice are balanced and have less sweetness as compared to the added sugars. This results in an amazing drinking experience and benefits your health.

● The rich supply of nutrients- Along with natural sugars, Layla juice, offers you essential vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients required for good health. For example, many Layla juices contain vitamin C, potassium and various antioxidants.

● Fibre content- The fibres retained from the natural fruits help in slowing down sugar absorption. They provide you with more sustained energy required for maintaining overall well-being.

● Zero calories – Unlike beverages with added sugars, every calorie in Layla Juices comes with nutritional benefits.

The Health Impact of Natural Sugars vs. Added Sugars

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When you intake any food or drink which contains added sugar, your body gets a quick influx of calories without any accompanying nutrients. This can lead to a sudden increase in blood sugar levels, which can make you feel tired and restless. You will need carving for more sugar. Prolonged intake of excessive added sugar leads to some serious health problems, like obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Natural Sugars on the other are processed and made for easy Absorption by our body. The fibre content in fresh fruits and vegetables slows down the absorption of sugars, which leads to a gradual rise in blood sugar levels. This provides you with sustained energy and prevents the negative health impact related to rapid blood sugar fluctuations.

Moreover, the nutrients that come packaged with natural sugars offer additional health benefits. For instance:

Moreover, the nutrients packed with natural sugars based Layla juice are
● Layla Float Mango juice has a high level of vitamin C, which is required for the proper functioning of the immune system. It also promotes skin health.
● The Layla mango juice contains Beta-carotene. Potassium found in the juice is beneficial for the heart and muscle health. The fibres help in easy digestion and overall well-being.
● The Pineapple juice contains Bromelain which helps in digestion and contains anti-inflammatory properties. The Manganese promotes wound healing and supports Bone health. The vitamin C present in the juice helps in boosting collagen production and supporting the immune system. Antioxidants found in Pineapple help in combating oxidative stress

Layla Juices in a Balanced Diet

mango juice layla float

Layla juice provides a healthy alternative to sugary drinks, sodas and other sweetened beverages. It’s important to keep in mind that fruit juices must be enjoyed as a part of a balanced diet. Here are some tips for adding Layla Float Juice to your healthy lifestyle.

● Layla juice contains natural sugars, but they are still a concentrated source of calories. Enjoy Layla Juices in moderate amounts, as a refreshment drink or as a post-workout replenishment.

● You can pair the juice with protein or fivers. They help in slowing down sugar. So add a source of protein like a handful of nuts or a piece of whole-grain toast.
● Go for vegetable-based options. Layla Juices offers several vegetable-based juices which tend to be lower in sugar content. They are an excellent source of nutrition.

● You need to stay hydrated. Although Layla juice will contribute to your daily fluid intake, still drink plenty of water every day.
● You can use Layla Juice as a natural sweetener. You can use it as a smoothie or mocktail base. Get creativity in the kitchen; you can use a dressing or even use it as a cocktail base.


As consumers become more health conscious and aware of the impacts of their food choices, the trend towards natural, less processed foods and beverages is likely to continue. Layla Juices is at the forefront of this movement, offering products that align with the desire for healthier, more natural options.

By choosing beverages sweetened only with natural sugars, we can satisfy our innate love for sweet tastes without compromising our health goals. It’s about finding a balance – enjoying the natural sweetness that fruits and vegetables provide while being mindful of our overall sugar intake.

Go grab a glass of Layla juice!

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